February 16, 2022, 6:38 pm 7

How to move your business to a hybrid work model

Hybrid model of working has become a very common term since March 2020 when the global lockdowns were enforced. For the next couple of months while companies were contemplating to open-up, the employees continued to work from home to support clients.  The reference here is to those industries that typically provide services such as software companies, consultants, some segment of the financial sectors and employees of companies who were engaged in office related or desk jobs.  Slowly as lockdowns became more prolonged these mode of working transformed into what we call today as a hybrid work model. Depending upon the scale and size of operations these models have taken different shape. Let us typically look at 2 different hybrid work examples today. Once is for large organizations and another for small and medium sized organizations.

Large companies

Large companies have taken the first step towards a hybrid work model. As of now what they have done is to completely make the process of employee interaction online. Right from the hiring process till the time the employee starts delivering and the exit process, everything has been made seamless. If we speak of recruitment, the candidates are interviewed using a Video conference tool such as Xoom or Google Meet and follow it up with the appointment letter, login and passwords to the network, VPN for the projects and delivery of the laptops through delivery partners. As a result after some initial hiccups they were able to take the entire delivery process online.  As we are moving towards the end of the pandemic, there are talks about slowly bringing employees back to work. This is where the hybrid model will come in. For example we can have a few key resources come back to office in a cyclical fashion to test the efficacy of the model. This model can have a long term implication on the way we work. If a company has a 1000 seater place in a city and feels that the utilization rate of the set-up is only 50%, they can as well have a 650 seater place, leaving aside 150 seater  as a buffer. However, such decisions can only be taken once there is adequate data on the utilization of space, employee productivity, client feedback among others. There is also a possibility that due to sudden influx of large assignments there may be requirements of large resource pools and such on-boarding processes may not be possible in a hybrid model in real time.

It is not sufficient for companies to only check the utilization of space. If clients are unsatisfied and if the reason points to employees not delivering effectively then the hybrid model is a failure. Such issues and many more such as data security will ultimately decide on whether the hybrid model is a stop gap arrangement or can it be made mainstream in the long run.  

Small and Medium Size organizations

Small and medium sized organizations have their own set of challenges. Many of these companies used to have desktop computers at their locations. Therefore when the pandemic set in they had to temporarily halt operations before delegating work to certain employees who would do the work from home using their own systems. It was not possible to provide company laptops, VPN’s , firewalls to all employees.  There was also a fair amount of retrenchment at the initial point of the lockdown. Companies based upon workload resorted to using part-time workers or freelancers who did the work on a project-to-project basis.  As we move towards the end of the pandemic, small and medium enterprises will face more challenges to a hybrid work model. With their infrastructure intact they may want to move to an office environment as soon as possible.  

Some of the key factors that will determine the hybrid policy are amount of in-person collaboration required in a role to accomplish goals, the level of information data security required for tasks, need for special infrastructure to get the job done. When more specialized infrastructure is required, the more likely the person must work in an office. Modern technology has removed most of these constraints but more data is required to get a clear idea on the subject. Since many companies have expanded their workforce during the pandemic, they have also reserved space for their staff. This is because once the pandemic is over, most companies want to have all of its employees back on the premises, which is important for collaboration, idea generation and productivity.

The question of whether to bring back staff to work will need to be taken by respective managers of the teams following corporate directions. When employees want to return, they have to inform the facilities team to reserve a workstation, since many companies have done away with the concept of fixed desks. It suffices to say that the new workplace will be a changed one in the foreseeable future with touchless entrances, sanitization, automated cafeteria service and much more. The hybrid model will surely lead us to the office of future where face-to-face meetings, employee interactions, office parties and other such activities will no longer be a common norm.  

If you belong to an organization that is thinking to implement a hybrid office function we can help you with analyzing the requirements of such a system. Write to us at



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