April 9, 2020, 10:24 am 14

What are the key factors to write a winning RFP response?

This is a very common query that will asked by many when they write the response to a RFP. There are the standard responses that one can give like read the RFP well, respond to the technical section very precisely etc. etc. However, I will start with a very contrarian point that most of us are aware of but do not give much attention.

Know the Customer Well

Knowing the background of the RFP from a ‘friendly’ customer is very important. There have been occasions when it is already pre-decided that the award will be done to the existing vendor because it is an extension of the work that they are already doing but when the client floats the RFP there are multiple vendors who respond to it. If this information is somehow known then it does not make sense to respond to the RFP by giving all your efforts. The best that can be done is to do a copy and paste response just for the sake of doing it. However, there can be occasions when the existing vendor may not have the skill sets that is required and a RFP is floated for the purpose. In that scenario, the new vendors should put it all that they have and try to get a foothold in the company no matter how small the deal may be.

There are RFP’s floated by large Government organizations in Information Technology, Medical Resources etc. wherein more than one company are shortlisted. In some cases, there are more than hundred companies that are empanelled to provide services and these contracts are for multiple years. The budget outlined for these contracts are large which makes a good chance for all winners to have a slice of the pie. These RFP’s are generally floated after a gap of four years or at the end of the contract period so it is a good chance for companies to win such RFP’s.

Be Transparent

Transparency is another important factor that respondents should adhere to in an RFP response. If you are a 4 member team, tell that in the RFP upfront but have a very well detailed plan as to how you plan to complete the project if you are awarded. Many companies are skeptical to award a project to a small player no matter how good you are at the job but if you want to win, you need to give in your best and provide a truthful response. To build a working relationship with a new partner, you need to be open about your team so that you do not fall in a situation wherein you are not able to defend yourself and your company at a later stage. Describe your company’s vision and mission, and who is involved. Plug in your USP’s and mention why you are better bet than the competition.

Show your Capabilities

Another factor I very strongly believe in is not to fail at the beginning. True you might be up against giants but that does not necessarily make you any less than them in terms of your deliverable. If you have reached the RFP stage then you are as good as the rest of them if not better. If you lose the psychological advantage even before writing the RFPresponse then you have already lost the game.  See where you are facing challenges after reading the complete document. Do not take any shortcuts. Please try and read the entire document especially if you are responding to the client for the first time.

You can face challenges in multiple sections. It can be Health and Safety at Work, Contractual Mobilization, Quality Control etc.  For each of these sections, you have to understand and curate the content to make it appropriate for the response. The way to resolve this is to understand the situation very well by reading the RFP and also referring to existing material and aligning the responses to the queries put in the RFP.

Customize the RFP very well and ensure High Quality

Finally 2 very important points that will make your RFP stand-out. Refrain from a cut and paste job. Please remember every response is unique. Even if you are mentioning about the high points about your service, try and map it to the RFP requirements rather than simply taking it from the last one you responded. This will clearly help you to stand out. Provide proof of all required documents. If you are asked about your financial statements, client credentials etc. you will need to provide them in the format as asked and close the response. All these factors taken together can help you to create a winning response. 

The quality of the RFP response should be very high. Every question that is asked should be very well answered and satisfactory for the reviewer. To explain points create new diagrams and pull up old diagrams from the repository. The old diagrams can be customized and reused.  

The most relevant experiences/references should be showcased in the response. This in most cases is the make and break section of the RFP. The experiences should be very well explained with diagrams if possible to explain the technical aspects of the solution. 

Categorize the proposal into different sections, such as marketing, technology, etc. This will make it easy for the prospect to understand the different parts of the proposal and the different activities being recommended. In each section, you should list out the specific deliverables based upon what is precisely asked for that section. In most RFP’s the response structure is clearly given. So all we need to do is to follow that structure and deliver accordingly. Do not make the response repetitive by including same information in multiple sections. It can be a turn off!

Take note of a section called Value Addition. In many RFP’s there is a standard section for value addition. It is very important to show our value adds and how we are offering more than the competition or we are different from the competition. This section though not a core section can add immense value to the response.

This can only be achieved when there is very good co-ordination between the team members working on the response. Generally a standard RFP response can be anywhere between 50 pages to 150 + pages. It becomes imperative in such cases that every member deliver their part of the response in time so that it becomes easier for the person who is managing the document.  The tracker should be constantly updated to keep track of how close the response is to completion.

Cover all Sections of the RFP

All the mandatory sections of the RFP needs to be responded. The evaluation team has to go through multiple responses so one way to disqualify a bidder is to see that if they have omitted anything that is mandatory. I remember from one particular experience even missing a small functionality led us being disqualified from a very big opportunity. Please understand that the business world is ruthless, there is no love and on a given day there can be only one winner. So your response should be designed to win.

Commit the resources required to complete the RFP within the timeline. Whether it is responding to a RFP or any other deliverable, if you are able to dedicate a little extra resource, the results will always come out great. While responding to the RFP, apart from the technical and commercial person there should atleast be a great technical writer or designer who can give the finishing touches to the document and highlight any errors with respect to the language. This will help you to get the brownie points that you were looking for.

The wins that we have been able to secure for our clients came from different segments but one thing that we have seen in common is the high quality of responses, capabilities of the responding organization and the references that have been put forth in the document. To know more about our RFP writing capabilities you can drop a mail at 




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